New Equipment

New Equipment At First Edition Fitness

New Equipment at First Edition Fitness

Anything that you are after for your gym or your home we can source and supply for you.


We work with most manufacturers in the Fitness Industry so we can offer very competitive rates.

Life Fitness, Technogym, Precor, Startrac, Cybex, Johnson, Matrix, Sci-Fit, Concept, Pulse Fitness, Keiser, Stairmaster and many more


If you would like a competitive quote please send over an email, if could include your address and details of what you are after and this will help speed up the quotation process


Planning a New Gym/Refurbishment or Upgrade we can help.....


We have many years experience in the Fitness Industry so we can lend a hand with most situations from just a simple 1 item purchase/upgrade to a full gym plan and design service


Typical questions we are emailed as below:

Q.Can you come out to advise us as to what equipment would fit into our gym/area and work best for us

A. Please send us your full address and we will get back to you with a day and time that we could visit to go through some ideas/designs 

Q. We are unsure of what equipment we want but we have a room that is 8m x7m and we would like to make our own home gym

A. Please send us your full address and we will get back to you with a day and time that we could visit to go through some ideas/designs 

Q. I already have a treadmill  and would like to upgrade do you offer a part exchange

A. Yes we can part exchange your treadmill against a replacement, can you send over the details of your treadmill along with the item you would like to buy and we can send over a quotation  

Q. I would like a good reliable rowing machine for my house can you help me

A. Certainly we have Used and Serviced, Refurbished and New Options available, Would you like prices for all 3 options as a comparison


We aim to reply to all emails within 24hrs